我们的DeVry女性+技术奖学金 旨在帮助支持女性在技术和其他数字领域迈出职业生涯的第一步. This is more than just a scholarship; qualifying new and readmit students have the opportunity to be part of a community of women and gain early access to resources as part of the女性+科技学者计划™关于女性+科技学者计划.
我们的商业优势奖学金is an award designed to help qualifying 业务 students get started on the right track in our Tech 业务 programs2. These technology-infused 业务 programs can help give you the edge you need to stand out and fuel your career.
一所由The认可的学校 高等教育委员会 (HLC), www.hlcommission.org6
无论你多大年纪,回到学校学习一项新技能永远都不晚! 无论你是想开始还是完成你的学位, DeVry为今天的工作成年人提供了大量的节目选择.
成年后重返校园有很多原因. 一些原因可能包括为新的职业做准备或完成你的学位.
自2007年以来,非传统学生(25岁以上)的数量一直在上升. 事实上, 2007年至2018年期间,大学校园中38%的在校生被认为是非传统的, 根据美国国家教育统计中心(NCES).
这可能是考虑重返校园时最令人兴奋的问题之一. 以满足当今工作的成年人的需求, DeVry’s Undecided Option and Tech Core programs allow students to explore different skills before choosing the right career path for them. 这些课程旨在让学生接触医疗保健等领域, 商业、管理和技术.
\r\n"}}' id="text-eecbe70d3b">你说对了! 作为在线教育的领导者, DeVry大学自1998年以来一直提供在线十大赌博平台排行榜. 除了100%的在线课程, we also offer a hybrid learning environment that combines online and in-person learning at one of over 40+ campus locations.
是的! Your work experience is not only invaluable but can help lay the groundwork for your education whether you are continuing in the same field or choosing a different career path. 在德, 我们的学位和证书课程旨在提高您现有的技能或帮助您建立新的技能.
Many students choose our online programs for the convenience of being able to study around their busy schedules.
\r\n"}}' id="text-8cd14111ac">绝对! 在DeVry,我们的十大赌博平台排行榜是为在职成人学生设计的.
Many students choose our online programs for the convenience of being able to study around their busy schedules.
传统上, 获得学士学位需要四年的时间, 而副学士学位需要两年时间. 在德, 然而, our online courses are offered in year-round 8-week sessions so that you can earn a degree in a shorter timeframe while studying part-time.
The amount of time it will take you to earn your degree also depends on which program you choose and any qualifying transfer credits you may have.
1必须符合择优资格. 必须符合入学标准, 须经批准, 使用需求, 项目水平和资金的可用性. 奖学金 will be awarded as $600 per semester per semester for full time students and $300 per semester for students attending at least half-time with a lifetime award of $7,000. 此奖学金不能与任何其他报价或奖励或团体特定学费费率结合使用.
2要求注册会计专业, 工商管理, 管理或技术管理学士学位.
3学生可以以“未定”状态开始课程. 专业必须在完成60个学分之前选择.
4http://www.Bureau of Labor Statistics4.gov/ooh/healthcare/home.htm 国家层面的增长预测. 本地增长将因地区而异.
本课程要求成功完成必修的数学和英语过渡课程. 所需的过渡学习课程可能会影响项目的长度和成本.
5本课程要求成功完成必修的数学和英语过渡课程. 所需的过渡学习课程可能会影响项目的长度和成本.
6DeVry大学是由高等教育委员会(HLC)认证的, www.hlcommission.org. 该大学的凯勒管理研究生院也包括在此次认证中. 有关程序认证及其适用的程序的完整列表,请访问 http://www.德.edu/about/accreditation.html.
7The 德大学 Opportunity Grant will be available in the 2021-2022 school year (July 2021 – May 2022) to new and readmit students who meet merit and need-based qualifications. 根据批准、使用要求、项目水平和资金可用性. 适用特定的资格标准. 此助学金不能与任何其他报价或奖励或团体特定学费费率结合使用.